To receive...
Very concretely... do we receive a gift ????...
...we take it and will open it later ?...
...we take it with suspicion: « what is it ?... »
...we open it with dissatisfaction : « it is not what I wanted !... »
...we open it already jaded like the one who is full-cluttered-stuffed with all his own things... and does not have anymore room in him for receiving...
...we open it with impatience and enthusiasm, the look confident, joyful of the one who discovers something new, unexpected... and who is happy whatever happens because he has perceived further than the knot... deeper than the paper... he has seen the hands...
the heart of the one who has given...
...we receive with what we are...
not any judgement...
just a noticing...
From there : « Do I like me like that ? »,
- « yes ! »...?
- « no ! »....? So, I can do otherwise, the means have been given to me...
To give...
Very concretely... do we give a gift ????...
...for the recognition that we will have from it ?...
...with an expectation of how the other will receive it ?...
...with an intention of what the other can do with it ?... accepting that it can be rejected ?... accepting not to know what it will be used for ?...
...with a sincere joy and not any expectation of anything ?...
...we give with what we are...
not any judgement...
... may HUMOR be present in our observations !!!!!!!...