The Hand



the hand which caresses, the hand which handles,

the hand which kneads,

the hand which makes, the hand which nourishes, the hand which sows,

the hand which treats, the hand which creates, the hand which writes,

the hand which passes on, the hand which offers...




THE HAND, instrument of the CREATION


THE HAND, continuation of the HEART


« He took with his hands knowledge

of the presence of the other ».

Tiger Man 10 





The hand can also be a tool used

like instrument of power on the other...

the hand which hits, the hand which steals,

the hand which kills,

the hand which destroys, the hand which ill-treats...


« No need to cut a hand which has stolen,

it can do something else...»



...become again this magnificent tool...




THE HAND, instrument of the CREATION


THE HAND, continuation of the HEART which loves...



« The ROSHI was feeling

the life with his hands ».

Tiger Man 13



The hands are the continuation of the heart... magnificent tools to caress... to heal...


What do your hands feel in contact with the air... caressing the skin....touching lightly an object... touching wood... metal... plastic... near a flame... making a snowball... sculpting some earth... holding a brush... kneading a dough ?????...










« He deeply knew the connection between the hand

and the brain and the monks became increasingly

respectful in front of him when they noticed

in their body the effect of his observations ».

Tiger Man 25