Waiting... Attention... !!!!



Attention... Waiting... !


Waiting... it is not immobility, to sit on a chair and do nothing while waiting for «something» to act correctly in our place... or to do nothing as long as the solution is not there...

Waiting... it is to look only at this Presence in Ourselves and to prepare It room so that It can give us Intuition for action, Force for action...

Waiting... is a danger for the reptilian brain which is used to control everything, it is an enormous stress to accept not to know what is happening... ouch... ouch... ouch... not so easy !!!!



Waiting... Attention... !


Waiting... it is not to intervene... to be quite simply in an Extreme relaxed Attention to what IS there, without personal will... without research of result... ouch... ouch... ouch... not so easy !!!!

Waiting... it is immobility of the little monkey who wants so much to take part and who must accept not to have the solution, not to know...

Waiting... is an extreme quite vigilance for the one who has confidence in the Presence !



Knowing to wait... what a challenge! it is a zero point...!

attentive waiting, attention waiting...

humor laughs at complications...

waiting ???? so what...

it does not prevent from acting... silently... discreetly... lovingly...

feet on Earth, the look turned towards the Heaven, the heart listening...

no volontary decision...


« Thus you do not stay simple, quiet and discreet. You do not wait for

this Intelligence to arrange your life. »

Defeat ?


« If you can very simply stay with a situation, a problem, without judging, without appreciating, without even seeking a solution, this presence is there with its intelligence, also with its strength for action and everything resolves by itself... But you must wait for the conclusion to be shown by itself and this waiting is anguish for the reptilian brain. Therefore it tries to find a solution as fast as possible and it captures energy for that. » Walking 27



To wait... or not to wait ????...



« The monk felt that it was time for him to retire. He did it slowly.


When he opened the door of the small garden and closed it behind him, he felt that his nape of the neck was free again !

He knew then in his heart the power of the true words.

He knew then in his spirit the power of the heart which is not afraid.

He knew then in his body the power of the spirit which is with no waiting. »

Tiger Man 75