

To find again the ONE without the TWO...


To find again the Original Unity, this is to find again this movement which is not FOR oneself... but for the CREATION...

And for that, to prepare the BODY so that it becomes this New Home... this welcoming space so that Heaven can penetrate it...



....« this place where there is a unicity of action, a unicity of attention, a unicity of behavior and of time. It is to stop the noise of a false silence, these silences which do not say anything, these people who do not make a lot of thing, apparently, except that they have a phenomenal noisy vibration. Then, can you stop this internal monolog, this constant noise of your thoughts, this very noisy silence ? This stop is possible only in the perception of this true Silence, this Silence of Creation, this Silence from which everything becomes animated and only this Silence loves. Starting from this Silence, action becomes obvious, action naturally stems from it and this action is released, without object, it does not leave a trace behind it, it is not found any more implied in all the karmic system of the cause and of the effect. »




« ...You are scattered...

It is this famous sentence of a great Master which says : « find the ONE without the TWO… », there is ONE but there is not TWO, only ONE. A unique direction, a unique intention for the life, and all that, it is your Original Perfection...

...The problem...when you have TWO, you have MULTITUDE with you…You have millions of TWO : 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… »




What prevents us from finding this UNITY ?...

The scattering state... the dividing... the sight which is not correct... which, attracted by many solicitations, flits about from event... to thought... to worrying... and does not know anymore what it looks at... the gestures cannot be correct...

The forgetting of our Origin, and that it exists this Silence to lead us back to It... this Silence so discreet, so delicate that It goes unnoticed...



What permits us to find again this UNITY  ?

The EXTRAORDINARY ATTENTION in the event which is there, here and now....which frees the Force contained in the cells, and propels for action according to the noticing of what IS...

...One finds only what one looks for...



" …But if you enter this Dimension, you are not any more with ordinary criteria… You are alone… And I said to you: to learn how to be alone is very difficult.


…It is very difficult because you cannot “learn”… There is no teaching. There is no way… There is nothing linear… It is spatial.


He let the wind come in their hair.


…Yes, it is “spatial”… It is a state in volume, a state which breathes by itself without the assistance of the ordinary world… It is a state of “one” without “two”… We do not make couple any more… It is finished this feeling !


The wind took his words and took them along in the mountains. The flowers will understand better than the men.


…We do not make “couple” any more because quite simply we have ceased existing as a personal consciousness… We are then a simple “tool” and we also use the others as tools. "

Tiger Man 66