It is in the present event that it is possible to act by an extrem and relaxed attention. It makes go out the Force which is in the cells, and also a flame which burns the uselessness and develops the lucidity.
« If you understand that well, your life will be easy. Through the keen attention to what is going on, your intuitive intelligence (the one which is in the cells of your body) is put in activity and leads your action ».
Walking 2
« It is like a lover who looks for his love everywhere. He does not know where she is… but he knows that she is there, QUITE NEAR !!!!!!… So he observes EVERYTHING WITH an EXTREME ATTENTION… He wants to find her !!!!! …HE does not let himself be distracted from his research !!!!!
From this ATTENTION a FLAME is born which burns EVERYTHING that is not her lover…»
« Physically, you will realize that you have this perception of the mastery in the attention to what is happening now, it means the system of pressure that is done on you, to channel all what you are.
There is no other mastery of the space that this attention. I repeat: there is no other mastery of the space that this attention because in this attention, you have an immediate understanding of what is happening : how that develops, where that ends;
And you can say OK or not OK. And that without value judgment ».
« Be VIBRANT with attention in each circumstance, in each event, exactly like a small goat of mountain which jumps from one stone to another, by the precipice ».
" Then the young man did not want to collapse on the back when the elbow could not carry him anymore.
He has stiffened the kidneys and his thin legs came towards his basin. The back has taken a curve compensating the weakness of the kidneys which could not carry much. His thin hands have hung his feet and they have pulled. The body came. The spine was sitting up.
Then, he has sought a balance with a seesaw motion of the basin.
The Roshi did not bat an eyelid. However, he was suffocated of happiness that his son knows these principles of alignments and he knew that it is his only chance to enter the world of the attention."
Tiger Man 15
« -You see my friend… There is a preliminary question: what do you want of your life ?… What do you want to do of it ?… Which is the breath which pushes you each morning to get up ? … This is this first step of your day which will lead your energy because the energy goes where your attention is… So what is your attention to the life ? …Here is the true problem ! ».
Tiger Man 19