Recognizing ones faults
A song which rises spontaneously.
Thank you, because I am alive !
It is not a weak karma which permits to obtain this precious human body,
It is not a weak merit which permits to be taught,
It is not a weak luck to be able to realize ones ends in the Dignity,
It is not nothing to put ones paces, days after days, the right body and the horizontal eyes.
Although we have received initiations, blessings and essential instructions,
Although we have such a jewel in our hands,
Our minds, like playful monkeys,
Succumb to the sly demon of the distraction.
We are unable to use this richness which is ours,
The freedoms, the favorable conditions and the instructions are quite simply wasted,
We arrive now at crossroads,
All that we have received has become like a fairy tale.
Affecting pretentious attitudes we dare to consider ourselves as practicing beings,
However this spirit is far from a perfect practice,
Not having the least notion of the simple human values, what to say of those leading to the Dignity,
We do not feel any shame in front of our own bad conduct.
For the others, our patience is shorter than the snap of the fingers,
Respect, love and kindness towards our brothers decline,
The least malicious word from them is intolerable for us and we cover them with a rain of insults,
Full with sectarian prejudices, we accumulate the criticisms and store bad karma.
Having heard many teachings, that does nothing but increase our pride,
However our intellectual analysis does not penetrate the deep sense of it,
In this false relationship to the teaching, we accumulate a heavy burden of sins,
And the aid received is lost without leaving of trace.
Our reflections radiate like the painted picture of a lamp,
Although we thought of maintaining our commitments.
We do not take into account of the first fall root,
Then this behaviour is self-evident.
Love and compassion born of the recognition of the beings like our parents,
Disappear as the mist when we do not practice them with the deep View.
We act like if we had tried out the liberation,
But we are submerged even so by usual confusion.
Recognizing the vision of the Truth as the ultimate goal,
But without having a clear comprehension of it,
Our currents of thoughts become as tough as of the horn.
Unable to remain in the Original Nature,
We claim to speak about the View,
Without worrying about the cause and their effects.
Externally, we affect a disciplined and exemplary conduct,
Internally, attachments, passions and desires burn like a fire.
Although we confine our bodies in the loneliness of the mountains,
Our spirit wanders days and nights through cities and regions.
We do not really trust our practice
And by guiding and advising the others we are as a child who tells a story.
Although we can never be misled by the truth of our own practice,
Because of our weakness we deceive ourselves and harm ourselves.
Although we are free of false beliefs which come from a lack of faith,
We act negatively and remain dissatisfied in these degenerated times.
In all consciousness we give up ourselves to a destructive slackness,
Not having preserved vigilance we feel a heavy loss,
All our thoughts are tinted by our emotions,
All our acts do nothing but increase our confusion,
Our virtuous activities are themselves soiled by the sin,
We even lose confidence in us,
To look at the others does nothing but increase our loneliness,
We do not find any sure friend to comfort us.
If we do not pull ourselves together this very day,
Then, when we will be taken by the messengers of the Lord of Death,
Nobody will be able to protect us and any hope will have flown away.
While waiting thus in vain, do not you have the impression to be mistaken yourself ?
Thus, full of remorse and regrets, recognizing our own faults,
Whatever the transgressions, faults, lapses of memory or decays in the practice are,
We will not let them any more increase by keeping them secret,
We will confess them from the bottom of the heart.
Being busy to thousand and one things,
We did not seize anything of essential.
Giving up the way which leads to all the knowledges but which misses the only essential point,
Why not choose the one which releases from all things ?
If this wandering vagabond can be to you of any utility !