The Essence of the Truth



For all those who burn from the fire of truth.

For all those who want to practice the impartial perfection.

For all those whose compassion is the only link with the world.

For all those who do not forget the death, making no provisions in this life.

For all those not wasting the freedoms and the favourable conditions.

Then remember your perfection.


Remember that human life is a quick gesture similar to a dream.

If it is happy, it’s fine, if it is unhappy, it’s fine.

Without worrying about joy and suffering,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that a man’s life is a candle that can be blown by the wind at any time.

If it is long, it’s fine; if it is brief, it’s good.

Without further tightening the catch of your dreams and attractions,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that these actions in the world are similar to a puppet.

Behind the curtain, stand the real actors.

So, don’t pay attention to their result.

If they succeed, it’s fine; if they don’t, it’s fine.

With only interest the perception of what pulls the threads,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that this entourage is a flock of birds placed in the tree for you according to the law of cause and effect.

They are an aid to the discovery of yourself.
then look at them as your mirror

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that this body is illusory, similar to a hundred-years ruin.

If it is flourishing, it’s fine; if it is decrepit, it’s fine.

Without worrying about clothing, food and medicine,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that this paraphernalia of visions and sensations is similar to toys of kids.

If you have them, it’s fine; if you lose them, it’s fine.

Without fooling yourself by quantities of diversions,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that these attractions are similar to reflections in a mirror.

If they bring good, it’s fine; if they do harm, it’s fine.

Without taking for enemies our own fantasies,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of these misleading words similar to an echo without a response.

If you listen to them, it’s fine; if you do not listen to them, it’s fine.

Taking your conscience as a witness.

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of which is useless at the time of the need.

If you know it, it’s fine; if you do not know, it’s fine.

Without putting our faith in the evidence of your sensations,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that these religious goods are like a violent poison.

If they arrive, it’s fine; if they do not arrive, it’s fine.

Without devoting our life to the sin of the dishonest benefits,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that your spiritual perceptions are similar to dog poop dressed in brocade,

Sniffing the rot of your own head and rejecting that poison,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of the associations similar to meetings on the market place.

If they are harmonious, it’s fine; if they are stormy, it’s fine.

Cutting from the bottom of the heart, the rope of the passionate attachments,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of these material goods similar to a treasure found in dream.

If you own them, it’s fine; if you do not own them, it’s fine.

By using what is, and saving what is not,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember these practices similar to the agitation of a little monkey.

If you need them, it’s fine; if it is not the case, it’s fine.

Without counting all these accumulations of varied practices,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of these religious speeches which make think at a cascade of mountain.

If you are expert in them, it’s fine; if it is not the case, it’s fine.

Not taking for the Teaching, this eloquence,

Ceasing to be a teacher and becoming an actor,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of this vivacity of mind similar to the snout of a pig.

If it is sharp, it’s fine; if it is blunted, it’s fine.

Without lifting up vainly the foam of the pretentiousness,

Without trying to play the « Master »,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of these experiences of meditative being similar to a torrent of summer.

If they swell, it’s fine; if they dry up; it’s fine.

Without making the child which runs after the rainbow,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of these visions similar to the thunders of mountains.

If they form, it’s fine; if they do not form, it’s fine.

Without according credit to all the misleading experiences,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of these freedoms and favourable conditions which are like the range of the wishes.

If you do not obtain them, there is no means to get out of your prison.

While we have them in hand, without letting them deteriorate,

And succumb to the devious devil of the distraction,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that without The One who has done the way before,

If you do not meet Him, it is difficult to find the way out

When we know the way, without jumping into the precipice,

And without losing the thread,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that the Teaching, similar to the remedy which dispels the evil, allows to distinguish what is to be rejected and adopted.

When you know how to recognize the harmful and the beneficial, without swallowing the poison,

Don’t let your minds go like playing monkeys.

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of this alternation of joys and sorrows which looks like the alternation of seasons.

If you do not see them, there is no way to be disgusted of the suffering.

Being arrived to a clear conclusion concerning these sufferings,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of this suffering at the bottom of which we are like a stone into water.

If you do nothing now, later  you will not get rid of it anymore.

Ceasing the hanging cord of the Teaching,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of the passion of the One who helps.

If one does not come to know it, there is no means to believe.

At the time where you have understood where victory and defeat are, 

At the time where you have understood that the Confidence is the Door,

without buying your own suffering,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of this Original Nature similar to a fertile Earth.

If one doesn’t cultivated it, there is no means to get out of the caves of your mind.

Without maintaining indifference for your future,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of the thought which is like an agitated monkey.

If one lets it play, there is no means to clear away the obscurations.

Knowing that it creates a problem for you and then tells you that it is the only one who can solve it,

Without abandoning oneself at all kinds of fantasy madness,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of this attachment to your energetic structure, which is like an inseparable shade.

Without becoming friends with this enemy,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of these attractions, such as violent poisons similar to burning thistles under the ash.

If one does not extinguish them, it is not possible to remain in the calm of your Primordial Consciousness.

Without raising venomous snakes, in your bosom,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of our character similar to the stiff leather of a goatskin.

If one does not loosen it up, the Teaching and your spirit could not be mixed.

Without letting your own child make all his whim,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of all these inveterate tendancies and bad habits which are like the course of a river.

If one does not stop them, one will not be separated of ones energetic structure.

Without putting weapons between the hands of the enemy,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of distractions similar to the perpetual wrinkles at the surface of the water.

If one does not get rid of it, there is no means to become firm.

At the moment where we are free of your choice, without dedicacing yourself to the world of the suffering,

May you practice sincerely the Direct View.


Remember of the blessing of the One who helps, similar to the warming up of the Earth and of waters in spring.

If one does not receive it, there is almost no means to recognize the real Nature.

At the time to commit yourself on the short way, without making the great detour,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of this solitary place similar to a medicinal meadow in summer,

If one is not held in it, there is no means to make grow the qualities.

At the time where one stays in mountain, without going to hang around the black villages,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of this desire of comfort similar to the demon of the misery located in the home,

If one does not separate from it, the sore thirst of the needs will not die down.

Without making as for a god, offerings to the demon which undermines you,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of this Consciousness on the alert, similar to the portal of a fortified castle,

If it stays half-opened, the comings and goings of the error will not cease.

At the coming of the thief, while not letting the dangling latch,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember of these inveterate tendancies which put the nose at the window,

Neglecting your practice when the opposing circumstances appear.

Taking refuge in your Will,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that all these activities, whatever they are, do not make more sense than going around a desert,

All these projects and efforts are the very cause of stiffening of your character,

All these cogitations only make add a surplus to your distraction.

This attachment to the ordinary man only binds you yourself.

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Remember that all these actions have not one only aim, these cogitations have not one only target,

While there is no time to realize all these needs,

Keeping a humble position, knowing to be satisfied, it is having a treasure.

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


Free of links of society attitudes,

Persevering with determination towards the accomplishment,

Your comprehension becoming equal to Heaven,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


This real Nature, similar to unfailing Heaven,

If one does not realize it, the foundation of the right View will not be laid down.

Without putting your own irons on yourself,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


This Lucidity similar to an immaculate crystal,

If one does not have it, one could not annihilate the efforts of the meditation.

Having this inseparable Friend, without looking for another,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


This Perception similar to a Friend of always,

If His face is not familiar for you, 

All what you will make will only be misleading action.

Without making the one who, with closed eyes, is groping,

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.


In short, if one does not leave here the errors of this life, later it will be hardly possible to seriously practice.

Having resolved to make our real good, may whatever we make be transformed in real actions.

May you sincerely practice the Direct View.




If that can be for you an aid.

With the sincerity and the affection of a wandering vagabond.