Life of eagle - life of slug



The flight of the eagle is fast..

and leaves no trace...

The eagle sees deeply...

It has the SIGHT FROM ABOVE...

The eagle lets itself be carried by the WIND...

Always vigilant...

It will fall if it is not present...




"Then, the old ones moved back themselves of a step. But it was not fear. This Force there was the friend of the man who seeks to stand up. They knew it. But this force there had the Power and it was good to take a pace of respect.

The head seemed to turn under the hood. It was now as an eagle which observes its territory."

Tiger Man 13


The crawling of the slug is slow...

and leaves its trace...

The slug sees superficially...

It has the SIGHT FROM BELOW...

The slug is carried by the Earth...

It can sleep...

It cannot fall lower...




« Only silence likes and from this love, natural, the action stems. One does not even need to reflect. It is obvious, that cannot be differently. This action, does not leave a trace. Not to leave of trace wants to say that the result is self-released. One does not set out again about it to make flashback another event. The event has given all its juice, all its satisfaction and there remains nothing any more but again the silence which will apprehend a new event.

The flight of the eagle does not leave a trace.

It is the slug which leaves a trace.»

 Flight 21