48. The Presence with oneself… or nothing !



Read to me again, asks Heidi. I am well with him and he makes being alive again the senses in the action.


The long monk settled according to the usual ritual.

The young woman observed him.


« As it is easy to get into habits ! ».



Secret BOOK of the SHIN Family…

Whirlwind… Continuation 4



- I have referred back to Mister President, who is a personal friend, of your inadmissible attitude towards me and towards my circle, says the Professor Dupond while sitting down in his minister armchair, behind an even more minister desk table and under the lighting of a monumental lamp with a bronze base with the ensigns of Napoleon with the eagle more than royal.


He does not look very well, the uncle! I understand him completely. He has intuition… And when a guy like me arrives in his space… a guy who does not take anything seriously, and especially the life of the others !… I understand very well that he has the testicles clenched and that he has been unable since yesterday evening to have a hard-on in front of the mirror of his toilets like he has done it since forty years, just to prove himself that he is still a man.

In short, to tell you that his lies, I don’t give a fuck and that I settle without beating about the bush on the angle of the desk, facing the lamp, to the great displeasure of the bastard jerk.


- But come on… You are not at home ! He eructs the throat even drier so that his dribble does not manage any more to pass quiet.


Hey ! At this rhythm, I will still have to make medical help and to open his trachea with a stab, just to allow him to let pass a little more air… But perhaps he has pastilles of his composition to get the same result… He is Prof, must not forget !


- And what did the Emperor answer you, I say by whipping my shoes on the red velvet of the Empire seat opposite me because it is bad weather and I took mud under my soles.

- But !

- Come on, that becomes an old story with you, I do with my more beautiful smile… the one I have in front of the guy who does not understand anything before I kill him, just to empty my bladder which blocks my liver which then howls with anger so much so that I need quickly made fresh blood. As my liver is blocked, and that it is not able any more to make a rather correct blood, you understand easily that I take the one of the other waiting for the repair of my own system…

- But !

- But !… YES !… My honest Prof… What thus told you this honest Emperor of the French who do not know any more what to invent to satisfy his people in order to be re-elected…


The Dupond loses the voice and also the look which does not know any more what to look. Then, nice as I am, you start to know me, I make the answer for him, just so that he does not continue to tear off his throat with his spittles.


- He said to you to soft-pedal, my dear Prof… That perhaps I have a little abrupt manners, but I am the best in my profession to push the dead losses to leave their venom and to unveil their face and show who they are…

… And that HE, the emperor, does not have time to lose with this sad story of « Secrecy Defense » documents lost because he has fire at the bottom with all these two-faced bastards which are ready to say, what I say, to testify ! That it is him who passes these infos to his Russian buddy from who he awaits the support to be re-elected… Because considering his manner of nicking in the cases of the state, so much so that the French audit office howls of all its teeth, he needs foreign assistance to pay his notes of personal expenses…

… And that finally and especially !… there is trouble in his Services known as « Secret » and that the war of the Police forces is not an exclusiveness in films badly in need of customers… and that the soft country which is France lives this conflict on a day-to-day basis… so much so that his Worthy Emperor, does not know any more « who to believe » and he finds himself alone in the middle of this fair, whereas those who surround him are not « aids » but « valets »…

… Here what he said to you, the Emperor of the Franks !… Then do not come to break my ears with your remonstrances because, as you know it as a perfect prof who of course has a splendid culture of the energetic structure of the man, the ears are connected to the kidneys and when one tries to break my kidneys, I have the testicles in erection and it is necessary that I ejaculate quickly made… And for me, the max pleasure, it is to make run the blood of those who have too much of it… Understood ?


I am not certain that he understands. But he closes the mouth so the air is less polluted.


Then, as you start to know me, I can make you the confidence that this guy, it is of cocky and of liar. The energy which leaves this body is a pure lie, a kind of subtle dissimulation of the truth with big things invented… the whole mixed and served dry and direct, please !


Then if you cannot let them speechless direct, to these guys, they take you along in ways of which it is difficult to leave because the false so mixed with the truth is like a stone which sends you at the bottom of the chasm.

Also, as I like you well, and I hope that you realized it, I tell you without any reserve that to kill direct is the best manner of not entering this perverse system… But for that we need courage because one has taught you from the birth to be « so nice » with everyone that you are already cuckold even before your puberty !… But as I understand you !… You want so much « to be liked » !… Then you prefer to clean your bottom and to remain nice…


The guy in front of me does not know any more what to tell. He waits for me to open the ball and he will choose the music since his opening did not give the fruits which he expected.


Me, I do not have anything to say… I look at, I feel, I discover the energy which passes… I do not waste my time in lies !… I kill direct and I explain after…


Then we are both in a dialectical dead end and it is once again the niece who comes to save the setting for her uncle… Curious !… To dig her attraction to protect the uncle.


She opens the door quickly, mad with joy.


- I have just be informed that you were there, Angel !

- Angel !… eructs the gullet of the guy wizened behind his imperial desk… He did not believe us already so close friend… But let’s drop it !… and I do not seek to clarify his lantern on the degree of this very new intimacy. Me, you know it, I am always discrete in my frolics and I never reveal how many pubic hairs per square meter the lady has …


The Sophie, she is gleaming with health… Not the creased face… Nor the tits, supported by a light red fabric and the whole covered with a white silk shirt maker, completely transparent.

All is so transparent besides that I can tell you, since I never hide you nothing, that her nipples are dark brown with a broad aureole around… and that the whole can satisfy an honest man; there is what to cling on !


She comes towards me directly, not disturbed that I am perched on the angle of the desk with my shoe on the seat.

Completely natural also for her to come to penetrate between my thighs and to pose a kiss on the angle of my lips while puting her goblets on my chest, just perhaps to let me know that it is not plastic.


He, the uncle ?

He is whiter than this so particular detergent which washes whiter than white, what I have never very well understood what that means since the white is the meeting of the primary colors of the Universe and that I do not know what is « more » than that.

As you know it I am very buddy with God, I asked him for the question but he did not answer me… Perhaps he was occupied with other thing and I disturbed him at this time so much so that his fried eggs roasted and than an indigestion followed …



My son,


I must recognize that you fill me with wonder… Sometimes !… Not always, I must also recognize it.

How did you know the answer of the Emperor of the Franks to my last love letter that I sent to him by express carrier pigeon, what is a little faster than the famous Chronopost of your country, you know ?… what arrives before what is not delayed…

Thus I am filled with wonder that you already know the answer of this Worthy Man who thinks to manage France, what I am not completely certain because I would rather have the feeling that it is France which manages him…


In short, to say to you that your answer is perfect to this jerk as you call him… But I must also recall you the indispensable compassion to bring to this kind of researchers of modern science. If they were not jerks, they would not discover anything about the laws of the Universe… It is necessary to know to masturbate with wisdom and moderation to reach these knowledges so insubstancial that they do not carry happiness in them and do not bring it either to the one who discovers them and even less to Humanity.


Then I believe that you should cease criticizing this researcher on this subject. He is only what he does !… You know that well  … it is one of my essential teaching : « You are what you do » and I thank you to no longer ask me questions on this subject to push me to once again develop it in order to see me again and again to waste my time and to be handled by my structure of « Master » who likes so much to explain that he becomes the slave of those who play the stupids… as you can make it so well that I am sometimes astonished by your performances, so much so that I had sometimes the intuition that you should cease being a Worthy killer to make theater…


In short, please, cease to make me waste my time with this half-smile of the one who does not understand anything and who pushes, pushes and pushes again to say even more and to fall into the nets of tiredness and discouragement… what you do so well with me !… But do not believe that I am easily dupe ! I have perfectly understood that during the time of my weakening, even very temporary because I am the « Master » and I have unsuspected resources to return on the surface when I have dived too deep, you benefit from it to train the nuns with the subtle Art of Love, so much so that the monastery loses its night silence… But on this subject, I must also say that you astonish me and even fill me with wonder… How do you do to go from one room to another while remaining so fresh and waked up in the morning for the mediation of the Dawn ?…


But you see, what makes the most noise during these nights when my energy cannot control any more yours, these are the rattles of the monks who are trained to also know to be worthy lovers of ladies, but without woman !

It is for that I have sometimes drew your attention to your wild behaviours. For the men !… Because for the women, I must recognize that the generosity of their laughters is like the harmonious song of the birds in the blue sky of the Universe.


Well !… In short !!!… Cease thus to always move the problem because I took the quill only for one short message that I send to you by usual carrier pigeon… that the Emperor of the Franks informed me that he was delighted of your manner of hustling these practices so sclerosed in his soft Country so much so that himself can no longer install his mistress as Prime Minister without provoking a general outcry in all the country…


And this Worthy Emperor is right !… How the best to test a being than to be introduced closely in him ?… Then it is by National duty, for the good of his Empire and his People, that he used this supreme means of the Kings in order to be certain that he was going to give the best to the Franks in order to govern them in the detail of their ordinary life, because concerning the « general », he personally takes good care of it by and I believe, with a certain happiness if I believe his satisfactions.


I give you the information to show you my attention to your labor in your soft country which you had left while kicking like an insane horse… But I do not insist too much all the same !… Kill with moderation and do not leave too much blood behind you. You know how the laundrywomen grumble each time you are back at the monastery when it is a question of making your clothes even whiter than white…

You, from the top of your role to be the son, you do not know yet what the role of the father is and the intendance which clings to him… Sometimes I had besides the impulse to change the words hung above the door of my small garden. They say « Pavilion of the Master »… They should say « Pavilions of the moaning ».


In short, I leave you and I would thank you for not messing things up too much because I am always flooded by express carrier pigeons when you are on an assignment and that I do not keep you under my control at the monastery.


Moreover, without wanting in no case to influence you, I have a short ticket of the worthy father of Yoko which is very surprised that you have not shared yet with him the delicacy of the ceremony of the tea… whereas it would seem that you have already shared that of his daughter…


In short, just an information on the way !… But be wary… The vibration of the father is not the one which I await from those who direct my groups everywhere in the world…

On this subject, you know that you have my very dear friend Mrs Broussard, close to Paris, who supervises all the actions in France… But you are not obliged to say it to Yoko and her father because in the delicacy of my attention and my love for them, they do not know that they are controlled… You will learn later that one is not obliged to say all the truth !… Moreover on this subject, I defer you to the essential trainings that my friend the Master of the Bow and the Arrow gave you… Do you remember ?


I kiss you with all the tenderness of my Asian heart and especially do not take cold in this moisture of Paris… You know your propensity to have anginas.


Your father that you adore and who accept your infinite recognition for all what he did and continues to make for you.



Thus do not pay too much attention to this asiat old guy who has the claim be as a father for me. You see as he cannot be direct; to always beat about the bush by hoping that the other will understand what he wants to say without having to wet his hairs to say direct what he wants to say.

It is not like me !… Always direct.

It is besides what has made shiver the hairs of the Sophie.


- You have royal boobs, I say, whereas we did not leave yet the office of her uncle who jumps.


She does not dare to say « thank you » in front of him but she undulates with the bottom and she has her hip against mine when we pass the door. Curious as she wanted to pass it with me !… However there was no place for two. You know why, you ?… Me I am a little child and I do not understand all the behavior of the man… and even less of the woman. I am buddy with God, but in the shambles of His Knowledge there is not everything and I feel sometimes very idiot with the thoroughbred human…


In short, she entwines her arm around my waist to make me visit the laboratories, to meet people, to speak for me…


In short it bores me because there is no perverse disturbance among these people. They do their work very properly, as well formatted human who do not know ultimately for « Who » they work… God or Devil ?…


For them, it is « Science » and quite simply Science which must evolve for the future good of Humanity… That we are not at paradise on Earth yet with all the discoveries which they align each day, while speaking even about fundamental discoveries, do not question them… It was said to them that the « Good » is in the future… That this future is the searching for becoming like « God »… and in consequences, the imperfections of « now » are normal, even necessary because they testify quite simply that the human is not yet perfect, similar to God but that he is on the « way » and that the future is the hope of tomorrow.


That recalls me an advertisement on the display window of the hairdresser in the village of my grandfather… « Tomorrow, we shave for nothing ! ».

But the problem it is that tomorrow it is always tomorrow and each day the hairdresser showed the sign to those who came to be shaved without having to pay.


A first class fib, well wrapped and certified standart by the quality labels of the Society… Tomorrow… Later… In time… It takes time !

The problem is that these people will never touch the Force of Life because that one, it is not « Tomorrow »… It is here and now.


But it is not sufficient to know it and to play the person « present » here and now, like some mentally retarded persons in certain ways of spirituality overflowing with silly things and restrictions and limitations and dryness…


It is also necessary to have this Presence with oneself !… And it is well here that the problem is !

Without this Force of Life in action, it is like turning around one’s tail !


And the problem gains even more in importance when those who say they are Spiritual Masters and who would be charged to train and to help the others know this Power only by their intellectual, by the knowledge that this Force exists because other people said it to them, but that them, they do not have any body contact with It.

They can emit a vibration while speaking about this Force and that brings a sensation in the body of the other because there is an activation of his memory contained in each cell of the body. Then this « other » accepts that this sensation is the Presence of this Force in Oneself and he turns in round while licking the toes of the one who succeeded in causing this sensation to him.

These ones are rolled in the flour and if the bread is well cooked, it is extremely difficult to go out this crust.


There is even more serious; those who say « No, thank you! » when this Force is in their space. These ones made a final choice of which it impossible to return because when the Love is not loved, the Love goes away… and it is for a long time… These ones are not courageous. They program their « future » according to their own rules resulting from the well being of their basic energetic structure.


In short, we are not there to enter this rotted world of the spirituality which I know like my pocket. You will agree on it with me!

We are there to know the guy or the female guy which unloads the « Secret Defense » infos to the Polar Bear. You remember ?


And me, which questions me in all this Bazar, it is that my decoders of the lie have only rung the bell with the professor and his servant gorilla…

Then that these same decoders ooze with the chick Sophie… Not really of lie… Or she lies without realizing it… Rather a form of submission to the lie.


Then as I am not masochistic and as time is not my friend, I do not dawdle in the laboratories and I invite the chick to lunch in a classy restaurant.


- But I am not dressed to go in such a place ! she says.

- On the contrary, my hen, I say, just to put her in he environment… You are too much dressed !

- Rascal ! She says.


Me, rascal ?… But for what she takes me, this chick ?… Come on! There is brothel down there!


- I am always at work, I say to clarify the data on the table.


She looks at me astonished.


- And yes, I work… With you, on you and in you, I say, not in the least ironic… You know the expression ?… It is the one that you tell every morning and evening since you are in age to be a parrot.

- You thus do not respect anything, she says… But she laughs.

- I respect still far too many things, I say… I have still to improve my perfection.

- And me who believed you perfect! She laughs.

- I was perfect at the origin and all the bloody instructors whom I met spoilt it, I say, always without laughing.

- And your Art to kill, about which you spoke to me yesterday evening at the dinner… It comes well from an instructor.

- It is the worst, I say !… He likes to think he is my father and believes to have the power to teach me Universal Wisdom.

- But it is very well that ! Everyone would like to meet such instructors… Why is he the worst ?

- Because I am killer at the origin and I do not have a father… So he teaches me nothing… Only to open already open doors and to make me believe that it is thanks to him that I can join my knowledge of origin.

- And it is not true !

- No, it is false… This memory is in each cell of the body of the Man and it is the only serious voyage which has a sense: to enter increasingly deep the memory of our cells… And not of going in a cave at the end of the Himalayas to receive the instructions of an old dodderer still in the illusion that the Universal Love is the must that Man can touch in this life, I say.

- You are in anger, she is astonished.

- No, I am never in anger, I say… At most I testify sharply to my dissatisfaction.

- But it is the same thing !

- No, it is not « the same thing »… Anger is a Force which guzzles your liver and your spleen… To tell the truth releases and my liver and the spleen are very well.

- I do not understand.

- I said it yesterday to you… We are what we do… I am not the anger because I do not put in action anger… Understood ?

- A little… But you will explain me a little more that at lunchtime, won't you, she says while settling on the seat of the Jag.

- When I eat, I eat, I say.

-What means ? She says.

- I guzzle, I say.

- You want to say that you use the mouth and the teeth.

- Exact, I say.

- Then which kind of food you want for midday for your teeth, she laughs.

- You, I say.


Curious, she did not laugh… Even I felt a pinching in his chest. She lost many breathings.


The uncle looked at us leaving the private carpark. He was concerned.


My body said to me that I was to prepare me for the combat and that the grumpy old man prepared a nasty trick on me.


Select restaurant. Roundtable as I like them; large, not blocked between the door of the kitchens and the toilets. Broad sight on the room with possibility of admiring the waltz of the waiters.

Possibility also of admiring the tits of the lady opposite and her plays of face and of shoulders.


Impeccable food. Not that which sends you once again sleeping in bed. No wine, which does not please to the lady, but is appropriate to me very well.


Then Everything’s great. She speaks to me about her childhood, especially of the death of her parents which was a great shock for her. Of course !… To have five years and being separated of the two parents at the same time because a a little insane truck, which is besides their habits, was a little more insane than usually, unless it is their karma, who knows twenty years later !


But for the small one, to find herself at her uncle’s home… Or rather, if I have the understanding well alert, it is the uncle who came to live at her, the little kid… because without parents, she did not remain without money and this fortune which is hers returned between the hands of the dear brother of her father as administrator.

Thus it is the uncle who came to her, who governs everything, she included.


- That was an administrative facility because the two brothers worked together in genetic research, even if the creator and the owner of the Laboratories were my father.


As I frown a little on this so absolute authority of the uncle who continues besides to manage her fortune because « it so complicated with « all » mixed », she hastens to reassure me that the Judges of supervisions took the care to name a controller of the management of the fortune in the person of a Notary… Also she is certain that all is well and that she will be able to receive clear accounts and the totality of her goods when she has the wish of it… what is not yet at present because with her twenty years and few others, she prefers to devote her time to the Research and to still better develop her Training…


In short, she shows an idyllic existence under the aegis of her uncle who provides her a peace of life while dealing with this tiresome intendance.


Except that me, I do not function with my head but with my body whose decoders for the anomaly and for the lie are super sophisticated and the asiat guy who says he is as a father for me took care well of it while putting me regularly in shitty situations to check my « state of being » he says.


And this « state of being » says to me that the situation is not also beautiful and that the shit is below.


I note on the way and I do not know if that will have a connection with my problem, but what is certain is that the sensitive thought of the lady is not in a harmonious movement… Then as we have the intelligence of our body, I continues to be wary… And even more than before… Must not give too much to this lady because we are not at all certain to recover our setting.


And now an Arab gorilla guy arrives, not shaven, which is normal for a gorilla you will tell me.


But that he comes right to our table by pushing back with the shoulder two waiters who wanted to show him their spontaneous kindness to ask him what he needed…

…And that he looks at me right in the eyes like the man to kill, according to the ritual of the western spaghettis films …

…And that he stands before me, right in the eyes while asking to the shepherd with whom I am what she is doing there with this half-portion that I am…

…You will recognize with me that there are a lot of things to be questioned and to be wary.


Although I must recognize the accuracy of his observations on « the half-portion of this jerk » because with my sixty kilos all wet and all the hairs, I do not make the weight in front of this bull left straight from the Djebel.


Me, you start to know me, I am all smile. I attract generosity, gentleness of each one like the flies on… Well, must not say too much !…


The guy, thus, grasps Sophie by the shoulder and shakes her… What has an immediate effect on the old man at the nearby table because that moves the light fabric of the bra of the lady which now presents a naked breast under her transparent blouse.


The other tables show their concern in front of this aggression, as the waiters who come to the rescue with the Head Waiter behind who pushes his troops.


Me, polite as you know me, I do not say anything. Guaranteed smile in all circumstances. I observe and I like.


The Sophie is panicked, tries to explain the whys and wherefores to the Arab gorilla shaven head who shakes her as a plum tree so much so that it is the other tit which leaves the sabot, which increases the joy of the old moustache aside who shouts « Long Live France! »….


Me, what fascinates me, it is the energy which goes out of Sophie and of the guy who, if I have well heard, carries the soft and very rare name of Ahmed…

An energy of blood, of sex, of fear, of submission, of violence… of shit what!


Here I am in a heart of subject which suits me. The wailings of the rascal on her unhappy childhood and the priceless service of her uncle for her are swept like wisp of straw… Now we are in a reality of behaviour. It is when there is storm that we see where and who the captain is… And the Sophie, she is rather the floorcloth to sponge the shits and to say thank you.


Her flow of words flew away like the fog under the sun. You see that even in the worst moments I do not lose my romantic and poet side !


Thus the small Dupond, in spite of her intelligence « so noticed in the scientific circles » and her fortune, is a maidservant vis-a-vis this gorilla who must have the testicles like his muscles and know to have a hard-on and to charge brutally.


Moreover in brutally kind, it is the old man nearby who develops his memories of soldier in cavalry and who rushes at the guy gorilla to grab his arm which shakes the girl…

But it is the girl who apologizes to him… « Please Mister… »


But the Mister went up on his horse of cavalry and charges.

And he charges by climbing the mountain of muscles in front of me, rolls up his legs around his neck and clings with the two hands to the ears as he would do it with the reins of his turbulent mount… Then he wildly bites his cranium and I wonder right away about his ascending cannibals because he goes there double quick with his reinforced steel chrome dentures.


The gorilla wants to be released from this chip on his head and with a sweeping gesture wants to drive out the animal. But he has counted without the old-fashioned woman of the other table who blocks his elbow with the handle of her umbrella because it rains hard in Paname.


- My boy, she takes umbrage… The elderly should be respected !… she says by drawing the umbrella towards her, with the result that the gorilla is destabilized and must release Sophie who benefits from it to go away.


But the gorilla who bears this name Ahmed stretches the other hand out and catches her up in the nick of time. Little girl, she is again against him and fear is in all her pores. She looks at me horrified with calls for help in her peepers.


But me, you know as I am wise in all the circumstances. I loll in my armchair, well yes ! because there are armchairs to eat in this luxury pad, I had not said it to you ?… and I contemplate the spectacle and appreciate it extremely.


The old soldier of cavalry has surely never been dismounted of his nag. Then you do not believe that he will let go under the impulse of the Arabic even gorilla. He was rather accustomed to charging them with the lance!


Also, he continues to keep his balance on the saddle and to shout « Live France » with the ears of the gorilla who start to run blood because the guy he draws dry on the reins !


Must say that he has help from the female ancestor who handles her umbrella like a saber or a whip, I do not know very well !… Ahmed does not know any more how to move his only freehand, since you remember that he holds the Sophie under his arm and stuck her against him to choke her to be certain that he will not lose her… You know !… When one likes, one remains stuck !


Then, between the old man on his head and the old woman who bludgeons him, he does not know any more very well who his adversary is, more especially as the waiters try to calm everyone with « Misters !… Madam ! ». But while remaining at a distance because the gorilla has the long arm and the severe clout.


It is then a woman as I like them who comes in action.


- Inadmissible that one treats a woman like that ! she shouts.


She precipitates on the gorilla and bites his arm which maintains Sophie.


- Live France, continues to howl the rider on his nag. His moustache cut with a knife quivers with pleasure about it. I wonder whether he is not ejaculating on the neck of the bull at the rhythm of his basin.

- That dignity has the last word, overbids the old woman who continues her muscle-development exercises.

- That the gorillas go back to the zoo, finishes the woman of about thirty years who scratches his arm where she planted her teeth… and blood runs.


And the room to applaud… And me to laugh and to clap like a child at the funfair… I beat out the rhythm and they begin to follow me. Must say that all the room gives rhythm with me and the « olé ! » burst out so extremely that I have the feeling that there are some Spanish aficionados in the room… Then the gorilla will have to pay attention to his testicles if he does not want to lose them in the operation which becomes Berezina for him.


Now, seing his sudden starts, I am certain that the old soldier ejaculates and I greet him with the hand as Pontius Pilate when he congratulated a valorous combatant.

The moustache quivers.


- Ah ! What a pleasure of cheer up a little the buttocks in winter ! he says while laughing.


It is now that the old woman trips the ankle of the bull up with her umbrella and another old woman coming to her’s rescue, surely an old friend! They draw with all their forces and even ask for help to two waiters. You know these people! … Accustomed to serve the orders of the customers without preliminary thought, they hasten to support the effort of the two old women… and the gorilla slips on the floor.


The fall was brutal and the moustache had only time to jump of his nag not to be involved… But as a good soldier, he has the good reflex so often used : he kicks the head of the gorilla with a blow of heel in the teeth.


- Bastard ! Come on !… To unhorse me !… Me !…


And he goes stronger and takes the other under the ear.


The position of the lying guy helps the muscular exercises of the two old women and he gets his face smashed in, if I can speak so colloquially.


The woman as I like them, goes directly to the essential, i.e. to what he has under his trousers between the two legs.

I will not tell you, because polite as you know me! But she bites wildly after having received the aid of the two old women to air this essential part of the Mister. I was suffocated by their speed of action showing a long and regular training.


Ahmed howls. He wants to withdraw from these steel teeth because it is clear that the lady has a perfect dentist…

But it is without counting the two old women who bludgeon him right in the gob.

It is also to forget « Live France » who continues to dig into his ribs with his riding boots.


At this point the inevitable one in these so highly civilized societies arrives: the Cops walk onto the stage.

You know the cop flights. It is always noisy. Very !… With idiot injunctions such as : « That nobody moves ! ».

Of course that nobody moves. We are at a show !


Then it is where I make my entrance. I quietly stand up from my armchair and I go towards the honourable servants of the State and I put under their nose my card of super Police force that Sophie slipped into my pocket this morning while saying to me « I recovered it for you ».


- It was a repetition programmed for an operation of destabilization of a dangerous terrorist, I say.

- But Mister the Chief Superintendent detached at the Élysée… at least it is what is registered on my blue-white-red card…

- We wanted to check the spontaneous possibilities of the audience to carry help to the representatives of the Order, I say.

- But…

- We are fully satisfied of the reactions of each one… and also of yours: you intervene with a fulgurant speed… I will inform the Prime Minister of the French of it.

- But…

- Now it is time that I thank these good people for their intervention… Thank you to have come… I do not retain you.


The one who is not retained, it is the Sophie. I followed her out of the corner of my eye to go away on all fours between the tables and to do a runner.


Also as now my table is empty of woman, and that it is sad to eat alone, I invite the lady with the steel teeth and my three other collaborators.


The cavalry settles and takes one of the old women on each side. They are delighted.

The youngish with the steel teeth prefers to slip under the table and to continue her contact with the male sex, but this time in a remarkable softness and the heat goes up in my belly.

The soldier appreciates just how good is the determination of the lady between my legs and makes the very justified remark validated by the smile of the two old women « Ah ! I note that the relief guard is quite assured ! ».


The gorilla goes away, curved into two, supervised by the waiters and the security service.

The head of the establishment comes to thank me for my delicacy and proposes champagne for all.


As the waiters pose four glasses on the table, all in size, the head makes the remark « do not forget Madam ! ».

He raises the tablecloth to check if she continues to exist and the vision seems to suit him.


In fact, very normal between people well brought up !



Heidi is killed herself laughing.

Tong tightens his lips and does not laugh.

That increases even more the laughter of the young woman.


- Come on !… cheer a little your jaw up… You are not yet ready to be a True Woman !


The long monk wants to flee. Heidi cannot retain any more one endless laugh and the mountains vibrate.


The three monks in charge of the writings precipitate at the door of the Master.


- Master… it is a shame !


The Master is also killed himself laughing on his seat and they do not understand anything.

The old man beckoned them in approaching because he does not manage to take a new breathing.


They come bowing, filled with wonder at this great honour to be so close to the mouth of the Master who reserves an essential teaching to them that they will hurry to tell in the kitchen to impress the other monks…


They prick up their ears.

Through the buzzes of the breathing of the old Master, they manage to decipher the essence of divine teaching.


« You understand now why he always chooses women with a large mouth ? ».


Then his laughter does not cease and is joined with the one of the young woman to make quiver the crests.




